The biggest drawback with America’s health care system is that it's not a health care system such a lot as a illness care system. It reflects associate degree obsolete perspective on health and healing, during which so much deficient attention is given to the particular cultivation of health and bar of sickness.

The shift to a real health care system would involve attention to environmental, agricultural, chemical and nutritionary factors that America’s current corporate-dominated system of governance would presumptively resist. however if America is to influence our serious problems involving chronic sickness and fatness, we tend to should look deeply at the causes of sickness and not merely their treatment.

The Environmental Protection Agency has to have its power restored  as guardian of our surroundings and so our health. The Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act should be restored  fully, and bans on dangerous pesticides once more smartly established and enforced . Genetically built food ought to be labeled . The Food and Drug Administration has to have its power restored  in order that it will once more guard the yankee individuals from deadly substances that ought to not get on our shelves. Contaminants in our water ought to be smartly regulated. And our children’s food, notably faculty lunches, ought to be much more crammed with healthy ingredients. till America involves terms with what quantity we've got acquiesced to the various unhealthy practices that ought to be thought-about unlawful -- however that ar presently allowed so as to extend company profits -- we are going to still have a less-than-meaningful discussion of however as a society we offer health care.

The issue of health care in America strikes at a key question concerning America’s 1st principles. Lincoln same we’re to be a government, “of the individuals, by the individuals, and for the individuals,” and it's ours to choose currently whether or not or not we tend to agree.

A government “for the people” is simply that. Applying the resources of our government to providing such a elementary right as access to health care ought to be a given, because it is all told alternative advanced democracies. those that promote the concept that economic process alone ought to govern our society have published communicator memes to counsel the yankee individuals from claiming the proper to universal health care. Words like, “socialist,” “too pricy,” and, “Nanny state,” ar wont to distract United States from realizing that with a government “of, by and for the people” – that conjointly happens to be within the richest country within the world – universal health care ought to be seen because the most natural issue within the world. And a basic right.

Our government exists to figure for United States – not for insurance firms or the other company entities whose short profits might or might not align with our final well-being. And after we discuss WHO goes to pay money for our health coverage, we must always conjointly discuss environmental, food, chemical and agricultural policies that contribute to our being sick within the 1st place. Policies that exist to serve nothing quite profit maximization for industries like fuel firms, chemical firms, food firms, insurance firms, huge agricultural firms and pharmaceutical firms contribute to the chronic sicknesses suffered by several Americans. See More


Environmental policies like gutting the Clean Water Act, overturning bans on pesticides, and disempowering the Food and Drug Administration from properly observation our food offer, harm our health. huge Agricultural policies promoting and subsidizing money crops over healthier choices – all contribute to the chronic sicknesses that plague several Americans.

The issue isn't simply the value of health care, however the larger price we tend to ar paying – the human price of being sick such a lot then typically. Not simply a price to our pocketbooks, however the value to the standard, and even length, of our lives. The Trump administration has planned billions of bucks in cuts to the National Institute of Health, Centers for sickness management, and also the Food and Drug Administration. If he's productive , i will be able to restore the funding and add even a lot of thereto so as to insure adequate governmental oversight over  policies moving our health.

Policy changes that facilitate stop and reverse chronic sickness and cultivate best health can, additionally to serving to Americans live a lot of spirited and healthy lives, save taxpayers trillions of bucks. we'd like to try to to quite understand WHO is paying for WHOse disease; we'd like a president who understands the various policies that contribute to Americans’ sicknesses. From environmental policies, to chemical policies, to food policies, to agricultural policies, to animal policies, to pharmaceutical policies, the health of the yankee individuals ought to be of bigger concern to the United States than the profits of company entities too typically not control in charge of the toxicity their merchandise turn out. See More

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